
Thai kick gaki no tsukai
Thai kick gaki no tsukai

thai kick gaki no tsukai

I guess we have to wait for next week to see Yamasaki's display of Samurai skill! The display isn't particularly impressive, prompting Matsumoto to observer the the ratings were "descending, minute by minute." I think the demonstration does bear out his talent somewhat, but there is at least one "do-over" since the superball did not approach him from the front. He says he can hit anything thrown at him with his nunchucks. Surprisingly, it turns out that Miyasako has practiced nunchucks since he was given one as a birthday present by his father, and is (at least in his own estimation) quite good. "89? Anyone older than 40 could get that score." Those incidents were probably just luck, and that outcome is borne out by Endou's (hilarous) middling score. Tanaka is quick to point out that "Endou has been known to get 100 points on this song," but my own knowledge of Karaoke scoring is that it is random at best. Gnt Fans will be very familiar with Wada as she was featured in the March 20th, 2009 "500 Questions" episode of Gnt.


I'm quite an Endou fan- so it was with great enjoyment when I saw him announce he could sing ” あの鐘を鳴らすのはあなた”("That Bell that Rings out You" by 和田アキ子*Wada Akiko) and get a full 100point score IN ONE ATTEMPT. I think Miyasako is a bit cruel (but perhaps funny) when he says that Inoumoto "certainly stinks at Soccer." To prove he can do it, Inoumoto appears ("very sweaty" according to Yamasaki) to successfully kick three balls without fail into water bottles on a prerecorded video tape (VTR).


Inoumoto from License is next, and his claims to hit a water bottle with a soccer ball at a distance of 10 meters are perhaps justified, but his failure does dampen the mood of the episode somewhat. His trick obviously takes advantage of the curved bottle's surface and Bernoulli's principle to knock it over. He succeeds easily, although complaining (I think jokingly) of a little dizziness at the end. After he departs for the "Challenge Room," Matsumoto and Miyazawa try it for themselves and the challenge involved soon becomes apparent. #2 爆風ペットボトル倒し("Knocking over a water bottle with one explosive breath")įujimoto from FUJIWARA demonstrates this little trick which he says he's done since his school days. We've been together as a Combi for 20 years, and I really think it was good that I partnered with him." Praise indeed. Endou himself says "I'm thinking I've certainly got an amazing partner. This episode must give great satisfaction to Tanaka fans (personally I sometimes wonder why he's still on the show) as his demonstration of this hitherto unknown stunt is even more amazing than when he demonstrates his knowledge of animal trivial.Īfter his standing ovation, there is Tanaka-love all around, Endou and Matsumoto especially voicing their amazement. The aim of successfully demonstrating these skills is to raise the By Minute viewer ratings!Īs usual Producer NakaMura serves as referee, and reveals each special skill (trick) in turn:.The challenge is to demonstrate a special skill (the participant) has never done on television before.Sometimes his mind and quick-wittedness is simply amazing.

thai kick gaki no tsukai

It's an excellent line, and shows how effortlessly Matsumoto (a world class comedian) can break the ice in any situation. "He looks like he's scheming to make money!" "(my advice is.) Don't release the nude photos!" (presumably of Fujimoto and Nishihara). Matsumoto notices that Fujimoto (from FUJIWARA) has a nasty look on his face. Indeed, it appears more like an episode of Lincoln than GnT. 斬る(きる):to kill (a human) using a blade (sword, machete, knife, etc.) to slice (off) to lop (off) to cut (off)Īfter explaining the nature of Minute-by-minute ratings, Matsumoto introduces the numerous guests for this episode. 居合い(いあい)iai art of drawing one's sword, cutting down one's opponent and sheathing the sword afterwards 行成(いきなり):abruptly suddenly all of a sudden without warning 鳴らす(ならす):to ring to sound to chime to beat to snort (nose) 鐘(かね)bell (often a large hanging bell) chime ペットボトル:A 500ml Water plastic recyclable bottle 企む(たくらむ):to scheme to plan to play a trick to invent to conspire to frame up ペアヌード: "Pair Nude" (a photograph of two nude models.) 視聴率(しちょうりつ):ratings (of a television program) 披露(ひろう):announcement show display introduction This episode seems a joking attempt to game this (new?) ratings system. "毎分" (Mai Hun or "every minute/per minute") appears to be short for 毎分視聴率(まいふんしちょうりつ) or minute-by-minute television ratings. Special Skills Demonstration Let's Raise the Minute by Minute Ratings!(First Part)

Thai kick gaki no tsukai